• 鎮ㄧ幇鍦ㄧ殑浣嶇疆锛?a href='https://www.024qz.com'>涓婚〉 > 甯歌闂 > 姝f枃鍐呭


鏇存柊鏃ユ湡锛?/strong>2014-08-14 娴忚娆℃暟锛?/strong>娆?/span>

杩嫓璺熷叾浠栫殑涓嶆槸涓€涓眰娆★紝杩嫓璐墿骞垮満2012骞村娴侀噺杈惧埌浜?5000,000 浜烘锛屽悓姣?011骞村闀?0%锛?瀵逛簬鍥藉唴鐨勮喘鐗╁箍鍦哄拰浜烘祦閲忚繕鏈夋眹鐜囦綘鑳藉ぇ姒傜畻鍑轰粬鐨勫法澶х殑钀ヤ笟棰濄€? 涓嬮潰鏄師鏂囪嫳鏂囧姣斾簡缇庡浗锛岃嫳鍥戒竴浜涜喘鐗╁箍鍦虹畝鐩翠笉鍊间竴鎻? emaar properties said that 鈥楾he dubai mall鈥? which is the largest and shopping and entertainment destinations in the world has attracted about 65 million visitors last year, an increase of 20% compared to 2011. retail sales also rose in various commercial outlets 鈥楧ubai mall鈥?in the past year by 24% compared to the previous year. she explained that the number of visitors to dubai mall exceeded the number of tourists who flock annually to the cities of new york and los angeles in the united states of america, who numbered 52 million and 41 million respectively over the past year. mohamed ali alabbar said chairman emaar properties, said that these figures reflect the growing special status enjoyed by the dubai mall in the city to become the right and hand for tourism, shopping and entertainment in addition to its vital role in supporting economic growth, will conduct an expansion of dubai mall by adding million feet square indigenous to the area includes an unprecedented array of commercial and residential elements and facilities world-class hospitality to reach a total area of 13 million square feet. he added that 鈥楾he dubai mall鈥?exceeded the figures recorded in the elite of the most popular shopping centers and entertainment around the world, which highlights the special status enjoyed by the city of dubai as a major global hub for tourism, retail trade and business. and that 鈥楾he dubai mall鈥?received visitors from various social strata, including the residents of the state who belong to more than 200 nationalities, in addition to large numbers of tourists who flock to dubai from all over the world.
